Fixing old solder joints on Radio Shack Robie Junior

When we got our Robie Junior, cosmetically, he looked great; however, once we put the batteries in, he seemed to have many issues.
Luckily, once we opened him up, the issues were apparent. A few of the solder joints had broken free over the years, so we only had to re-solder them to get him back up and running.
You'll need a Philips head screwdriver, a soldering iron, and some solder to do this type of repair. The entire process is relatively quick and should only take 15 - 30 minutes to complete, depending on the number or re-solder repairs. This walkthrough covers the lower mainboard. Any other repairs will be similar.
The process is similar for the following robots:
TOMY Omni Jr. 5410, TOMY Omnibot Jr. "Charmmy" and, Radio Shack Robie Junior - 1986 (Cat. No. 60-2397A)
My robie Jr was bought new in 1986.
Up until today it worked fine. In 2011 I took him back to radio shack and they sent him to their service center. The invoice said they repaired loose battery wires. Aside from one of the rubber wheels having gotten a but worn out which I fixed with some duct tape he had worked great til now. He was a Xmas gift for my 1 year old son. I put new d batteries in it and he wouldn’t turn on. The battery compartment is clean as a whistle. The batteries were positioned correctly. He was never dropped or played with roughly. I have no technical skills and have poor vision. I was wondering whether you might be able to take a look and repair the little guy. And if so how would I go about doing this. Thanks for any feedback you can give me.
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